How do I add evidence for my ECT?
Please create a folder in the "Documents" section on your ECT's record and add the evidence files. It would be helpful if you could include the Teacher Standard number they relate to in the title and all evidence should be dated.
What are the fees for your Appropriate Body services?
Costings for 2023-2024:
£175.00 per ECT, per year
Additional costs if not using a DfE funded training provider (full induction programme)
DfE accredited materials to deliver your own training (core induction programme) - £350.00 per school per year (inclusive of one fidelity check)
Design and deliver your own ECF based training (school based induction programme) - £700.00 per school per year (inclusive of one fidelity check)
Additional fees may be incurred if further fidelity checks are required.
Why has the formal / final assessment for my ECT been rejected?
If an assessment has been rejected, there will be details in the comments as to the reason for rejection, and the action you need to take.
ECT Assessments Term 3 and 6 will be rejected if a lesson observation that has taken place within the ECTs terms 1-3 / 4-6 has not been uploaded in the documents section for the ECT.
Please refer to the guidance on our website or in the Resources Section of ECT Manager for assistance.
Please note, your ECT and Induction Tutor/Headteacher will need to login and re-sign this form assessment once you have uploaded your evidence.
Please remember to include sufficient level of detail when completing a formal or final assessment. As these are at the end of each year of induction, they require should be more detailed than a termly professional progress review.
Why hasn't the ECT Mentor received a log in for ECT Manager?
Mentors do not require access to ECT Manager. Professional Progress Reviews and Formal Assessments are submitted by the Induction Tutor, commented on and digitally signed by the ECT, then digitally signed by the Induction Tutor.
Headteachers are only required to digitally sign Formal Assessments but can still access all Progress Reviews.
Headteachers also need to digitally sign any new ECT registrations before we can process.